Saturday, August 15, 2009

Well, the first week has passed. On Monday, I got the whole rules lecture in 6 out of 7 classes. One thing I miss about the elementary, is that since there is one teacher, I don't get 6 different lectures. On Tuesday, we started to do some real work with EESI testing. On Wednesday that was done except for in math, of course. Thursday was real work with note taking and receiving assignments. That night I came home and found my history notebook missing with all my stuff in it and the study guide that was due the next day!!!! I was freaking out. More to come on that. Friday was same, and I think I have gotten my schedule down. There was many times over the week that I wanted to follow my old schedule, only to remember and hurry back to the right class to get there on time. Oops! Well, that day after school, Asher cam up to me and lo and behold, he had my notebook!!! Yeah!! He said some girls found it in the bathroom. Why it would be in the bathroom, I have no clue. Oh well. I will have to go but I have more stuff to say and will just have to write later!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you had a good first week. And wow what a blessing to have your notebook found. You must have been saying your prayers!
