Saturday, March 14, 2009


Sorry, I have not been blogging!!! I was SO busy with school! Finals, projects due, math....... well its my birthday! I am now 13 and can wear mascara which has been the highlight so far!! Yesterday my friends got together and surprised me with a little party. They kidnapped me and took me to the park where there was cake and streamers! When I got there I got a can of silly string sprayed in my hair and a little cake shoved in my face!  And it wasn't a slice, it was a mini cake! Don't worry I got a picture! I couldn't get a picture of all of us but I  did  get one of one my friends.  But I had a ton of fun! Tonight I will be able to open all my presents and have cake and ice cream so there will be more pictures later. I am so excited and i can't stop thinking about! Well here is the pictures! Uhh ....... on second thought the camera  needs to charge but I will get them!!!!!


  1. Happy Happy Birthday Katherine!!!
    I am so happy to hear you are having a great birthday so far. I will see you next week I think.

  2. Happy Birthday! We love you!
    Happy birthday from Camille,
    Happy Birthday from Samantha,
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY from Nicolas,
    Happy Birthday from Bubba,
    Happy Birthday from uncle Chris,
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY from Emily,
    happy birthday from Alexis,
    happy birthday from Brianne,
    Happy Birthday from Lindsey!


  3. happy birthday!!! I love you so much!!! Hope you had a great birthday!!!

  4. So fun to hear from you again. I must say I have missed your blogs!
    Sounds like a great birthday celebration, you must be loved! :)
    We love you bunches so we will add our wishes too. Happy Birthday!! from the Hillman's

  5. you guys are all too nice! Well I hope to see you soon! Maddie, I got something that I can't wait to show you!!

  6. Happy birthday to you....can you hear us singing to you, we are rockin it family style!!! LOUD and PROUD! We love you lots, I'll bet your eyes are poppin' with a little mascara!!
