Monday, January 5, 2009

Starting School

Today I started school which was a Blast! Ha Ha! I changed seats in a lot of classes. I am tired of school already, and excited about cheer! Cheer was nice and it felt good to stretch and do the big 12!  The big twelve is 12 different stretches we do for a minute each! It KILLS. I will be really sore tomorrow and won't be able to move. But it feels really good!  And when I do it I feel all tough:] Well I should start homework and study for tests............

P.S. I have to dissect a frog on Wednesday!


  1. Isnt school just great??!! Well have fun with cheer and good luck disecting the frog. I wanna know lots about it! :)

  2. Yes, school is great! I did have fun. And don't worry there will be a whole post on it!

  3. What do you cheer for? It sounds like a lot of fun and a whole lot of work. GOOD for you! I want to know all about the frog too! Details girl!

  4. The dreaded frog...just think that will be over today and then the rest is clear sailing! I bet your going to say it wasn't as bad as you thought!

  5. I know how you feel girl! School is... well I don't know if i could think of a word to describe how sick I am of school. But hey at least you have cheer to look forward to! :) I love stretching too it feels wonderful!!!
